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Bokashi Bran


This product is for people who wants to try their own compost at home, THIS IS NOT THE WEEKLY FOOD WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE.

Make composting at home quick and smell-free with this bokashi bran. Bokashi bran is made from a balanced mix of local rice bran and shredded rice husk, and fermented in an anaerobic environment with original EM1-1, molasses and filtered water. 

Just add two spoons to each liter of food waste to start the fermentation process in an airtight fermentation barrel. Then mix with dry material / soil to start the decomposition process.

Bokashi bran is a fresh product and should be used within six months of purchase. Store it in an airtight container (such as the one included in our start kits). It should be kept in a cool place out of direct sunlight. Use clean, dry hands for handling the bran and ensure the storage container is sealed properly.

For more information on how to use bokashi in your kitchen and garden, click here


This item comes once in the first week of the month.