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Our Weekly Veggie Guide

Our Weekly Veggie Guide

In order to help our members with weekly planning and expectations of what will arrive each week we teamed up with our friend Breanna- an incredibly helpful Registered Dietitian. She helped us create a guide for weekly orders that has made weekly orders and crop planning much easier. It has also helped members as they are able to plan ahead and have a clear idea of what will be in the bag each week. The best part of the guide is that it still allows us a lot of flexibility to include what is in season and encourages more creative cooking and use of unusual vegetables in our members kitchens.

We have separated the weekly bag contents into 6 different categories.

Weekly, Easy, Green, Starch, Flavour and Fruit.

Weekly - Every week we will include tomatoes, mushrooms and salad mix. The amounts of each of these (and all the other categories) depend on the size of the share chosen- small, regular or family. 

Easy - is a broad category of vegetables that we find are staple, versatile vegetables that most people will know how to cook. This category includes vegetables such as  carrots, green beans, and cauliflower, for example. 

Green - all those lovely nutritious green leaf varieties such as kale, mustard, boy choy, swiss chard. 

Starch - potatoes, corn, pumpkin. Vegetables that are great in roasting mixes.

Flavour - these are fruit/ vegetables we do not need large amounts of but are really important in the overall flavour of a meal. This category includes lime, herbs, spring onions etc.

Fruit- Every week we try to offer a seasonal fruit and support a number of farmers throughout the year as we do. This includes strawberry in the winter, mango in the hot season, dragonfruit in the rainy season and avocados in winter also.

The idea with this system is that favorite recipes can be more flexible to incorporate the seasonal items. For example, if you have a recipe that calls for spinach, but in the veggie bag are a few bunches of watercress- both of these fall under the Greens category, so the watercress as a substitute for spinach. 

We currently offer three sizes of shares, the amounts of each of the categories increases with share sizes as marked on the image below.